The Annual Cake Sale in aid of our school will take place on Saturday 28th November in Glencorrib Community Centre after the 7pm Mass.
Parents from the village will call to collect for the cake sale on Friday evening 27th November or on Saturday morning 28th November. Alternatively cakes may be left at the Community Centre at 6pm on Saturday evening 28th November.
As always, special emphasis is on home baking. We kindly request that you value your cake. Board of Management and staff would like to thank you for your continued support of the school. Tea, coffee and refreshments will also be served and you could win some good prizes in the raffle.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
As part of Science Week 2015, 5th and 6th class participated in the Mayo School Design Challenge held in conjunction with Mayo Science and Technology festival.
The challenge was to build the tallest free-standing structure, made out of 20 spaghetti sticks and a meter of masking tape. In addition, the structure must be capable of supporting a marshmallow. The time allowed was 40 minutes.
Two teams from 5th and 6th class entered the competition and we are delighted to announce that team 1 (Saibh, Gary and Stephen) won 1st place for the highest structure at 73cm tall!!
They each won a fantastic prize pack consisting of a drink bottle, a twenty five euro Easons voucher, a hoodie and a bag.
Well done to both teams for taking part!
To celebrate Science Week 2015, the Junior room participated in a range of experiments throughout the week.
We were excited to discover how water travels up the stem of plants, using food colouring and celery.
Using every day kitchen items, we were able to make a lava lamp! It was amazing!
We also have two on-going experiments which we are really excited about: ‘can we make the egg shell disappear?’ And ‘do seeds need light, water and soil to grow?’
We really enjoyed taking part in the experiments!