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Monthly Archives: February 2016

Pancake Tuesday

We couldn’t wait for Pancake Tuesday to arrive and when it finally came, we all enjoyed our scrumptious pancakes which Múinteoir Jen kindly made for us!


IMG_3393  IMG_3394  1 2   4


We are delighted and excited to be learning to how knit!

We are currently knitting our very own scarves!


IMG_2410  IMG_2411

Learning through discovery

We have been learning about seeds and plants and what they need to grow.

We used some egg cartons, glued on some googly eyes and added some pipe cleaners to create our very own caterpillar heads.

We filled each egg carton with cotton wool and added a teaspoonful of cress seeds. We placed our caterpillar heads on the warm windowsill and carefully watered the seeds every day.

The results are just amazing!! Take a look!


IMG_2386  IMG_2388  IMG_2403   IMG_2408

Exploring the wonders of science

The senior room explored chemical energy by making their very own lava lamps, using a mix of oil, water, food colouring and an alka seltzer tablet.

Take a look!


Science 2      Science



Múinteoir Jen showed us how to make beautiful T-shirts using tie-dying!

We made really amazing designs and are delighted with the results!

We cannot wait to wear them in the summer time!

Tie dying 2     Tie dying 3



On Wednesday we had a very special treat. Múinteoir Lorraine organised a drumming lesson for us!

We learned all about how the drums are made, where in the world they originally came from  and about  all the different sounds they can produce.

We had so much fun!

Drumming 1    Drumming 3   Drumming

Our Beautiful New School Garden

Our new school garden is complete and we are very excited to watch our beautiful flowers, trees and vegetables coming into bloom.


Garden 1  Garden 2  GArden 3

St. Brigid’s Day

We celebrated St. Brigid’s Day by making beautiful St. Brigid’s crosses from rushes.

Each cross was carefully woven by each pupil and we had great fun making them!

St bridget 1 St bridget



Open Evening 2016

We will be holding this year’s Open Evening on Thursday February 11th, from 6:00-7:00 pm.

New parents who would like to know more about the school are invited to attend.

Enrolment forms will be available on the evening or by contacting the school at 093-31415.

We look forward to meeting you!