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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Busy Bees in the Biodiversity Garden!

Over the last few weeks we have been busy working on the biodiversity programme for Green-schools.

Junior and Senior infants planted some broadbean seeds during Aistear and we are eagerly awaiting lots of tall beanstalks!

Múinteoir Orna’s class sowed wildflower seeds in our school biodiversity garden and are hoping that they will attract lots of bees and butterflies over the coming months.

Múinteoir Lorraine’s room planted some potato and tomato seeds – hopefully we will have a fruitful harvest!

Have a look at some pictures from all our hard work in the garden…

broadbeans 1 broadbeans potatoe planting tomatoe planting wildflowers 2 wildflowers 3 wildflowers wildflowers1

Football Training

We are delighted to have Denise from Shrule Glencorrib GAA Club joining us for football training once a week.

Today was our first training session and we really enjoyed being back learning lots of new football skills.

Have a look at a few pictures of us in action!

football training football training1