On Tuesday, Pat from Heritage Ireland came to visit us to talk to us about life in the olden days.
He began his visit by showing us how to make butter using a churn. The junior room began the process by adding cream to the churn and churning it. The senior room then continued the churning process, followed by draining the buttermilk, washing the butter and lastly, shaping it into butter balls. Pat also taught us about the history of butter, its folklore, and the importance of butter to society in older times.
In the afternoon, Pat set us a challenge to make a coat from a canvass bag without cutting or tying the bag, it had to cover your head, shoulders and back. This was great fun and although a little tricky at first, we managed to complete the challenge!
Lastly, Pat showed us how to make a Súgán Rope by twisting and turning hay.
We all really enjoyed his visit. We wonder what we will be telling the future generations about in years to come!
Have a look at some pictures from the day.