As part of Science Week 2018, 4th, 5th and 6th class participated in the Mayo School Design Challenge held in Westport in conjunction with the Mayo Science and Technology festival.
The challenge was to build a bridge out of straws and masking tape, that would stay upright while holding a bag of rice. The time allowed for the challenge was 40 minutes. The bridge that held the most rice was the winner.
Although our designs didn’t make the final two, both of our teams managed to make very successful bridges. We had a great day out and really enjoyed the competition.
The senior room also completed lots of other experiments in school during ‘Science Week’, including making Oobleck, which is a type of gloop made from cornflour and water.
The junior room were also experimenting with flour during their Aistear playtime and made some homemade play dough.
Have a look at some pictures from our fun Science Week!