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Science Week

Science Week 2022

The children had an incredible week conducting experiments as you can see from the photos.

Our Junior Room completed a STEM challenge as part of Science Week. Each group were given the task of designing and building the tallest and most stable tower they could with 50 lollipop sticks and some bluetac. We all really enjoyed this activity and created some very impressive designs! Well done boys and girls!

Building their towers.

Today was ‘Experiment Day’ in the Junior Room for Science Week. We investigated the density of liquids by making a rainbow in a jar! We had great fun and were very excited by the final result! Have a look and see what you think of our rainbow! 🌈 

2nd Class visited the Senior Room today to make lava lamps as part of Science Week. This was a very cool experiment which we all really enjoyed!

Amazing Lava Lamps